Ghost Blazer in Navy Cashmere Hopsack
Ghost Blazer in Navy Cashmere Hopsack
Ghost Blazer in Navy Cashmere Hopsack
Ghost Blazer in Navy Cashmere Hopsack

Sid Mashburn

Ghost Blazer Navy Cashmere Hopsack

Regular price $1,850

Italian cashmere hopsack makes this an especially luxe riff on the simplest tailored piece we've got. A navy blazer, taken up a notch or four. The Ghost is the blazer Sid's been wearing twice a week since it launched. In fact, it's one of “[his] favorite things we've ever made.” It’s totally unconstructed and stripped down — like a more dressed-up Butcher, if you're keeping score at home — with no lining, no darts, pickstitched spalla camicia shirtsleeve construction, and these crazy, almost Surrealist-feeling buttons made of unlacquered brass. The pockets on the front are special, too: we designed them so that you can tuck in the flaps (without looking like you just tucked in the flaps) for a more open look. Fit-wise, it's slim but still easy, just like our other jackets. Slip it on (or take it off and hold it up to the light) and you'll see why we call it the Ghost... it's so lightweight that it feels like wearing nothing at all.

Color Navy Cashmere Hopsack


  • Ghost Blazer in Lovat High-Twist Lovat High-Twist
  • Ghost Blazer in Navy High-Twist Navy High-Twist


  • Ghost Blazer in Chocolate/Sand Check Hopsack Chocolate/Sand Check Hopsack
  • Ghost Blazer in Forest Wool Hopsack Forest Wool Hopsack
  • Ghost Blazer in Lovat Wool Quattro Hopsack Lovat Wool Quattro Hopsack
  • Ghost Blazer in Mocha Wool Quattro Hopsack Mocha Wool Quattro Hopsack
  • Ghost Blazer in Navy Cashmere Hopsack Navy Cashmere Hopsack


  • Ghost Blazer in Blue Herringbone Blue Herringbone
Size Guide

Why we love it

  • made in italy
  • get it tailored in store

As seen on Instagram

Sid Mashburn Ghost Blazer in Navy Cashmere Hopsack
Regular price $1,850
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