What's more capital-F-Fall than a plaid flannel suit? Not much. This one is our No. 4 make, which means more handwork and more time in the tailor's lap… the jacket alone takes more than ten hours of work! The shoulder, lining, darts, buttonholes, buttons, and more are all sewn by hand, which you can feel when you put it on. It's almost like the seams move with you. It's made from a beautiful Italian flannel in our Virgil model, which has a natural shoulder, a 3-roll-2 lapel, and a shorter body with no front darts at all. Think old-school 'sack suit,' but sexier. The trousers, too, are designed to complement the jacket, with a trim-but-not-tight leg that looks great with a cuff. They've also got a dak waistband with adjuster tabs that give the whole suit a more trussed-up look. The Virgil silhouette has a slightly more American feel than the Kincaid or the Landry, but just like all of our tailored clothing, it's designed to take you from Mississippi to Milan — and back again — without looking or feeling out of place.
Italian flannel
100% wool
dark horn buttons
fully lined in cupro
full canvas construction with a double-layer, lightweight canvas
pickstitched spalla camicia shirtsleeve construction
natural shoulder
3-roll-2, undarted front
two flap pockets, ticket pocket, and welted chest pocket
two interior chest pockets, pen pocket, lower card/phone pocket
This suit comes unfinished, which means it needs to be tailored before you wear it! The jacket sleeves are unhemmed, without cut buttonholes, so your local tailor can hem them to your perfect length and attach the buttons. (We include eight — four for each sleeve — in the pocket.) The trouser legs are also unfinished and ready to be shortened to your exact inseam with either a cuff or a plain hem. If you’re near one of our stores, our in-house tailors can also take care of this.