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Magazine B - Hawai'i

B Media Company

Magazine B Hawai'i

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Seoul-based Magazine B is all about “deep dives on the brands that dominate our lives.” Heavy! But also very cool! Each issue is 130+ ad-free pages dedicated to a single brand from an independent perspective, enriched by fantastic photography and graphics. Think of it as a documentary in print form that also looks great on the coffee table. Issue 91 highlights the world’s most famous archipelago: “This history of Hawaii began about 1,500 years ago, when Polynesians ruled the kingdom in the North Pacific Ocean until it was annexed and later incorporated as the 50th US state. Made up of more than 100 islands —including O‘ahu which is known for the Waikiki region, Hawai’i, and Maui— the archipelago has long been an important hub for air and ocean transport. Now, the hospitality industry has become a growth engine as people from all over the world flock to this popular vacation destination. Led by the law of the ‘Aloha Spirit’ that emphasizes respect and affection for others, daily life in Hawaii actively reflects the long-standing traditions and history of aboriginal Hawaiians, creating the unique sensibility and atmosphere that continues to attract outsiders today.”

Volume Hawai'i
  • Magazine B - Rolex Rolex
  • Magazine B - Hawai'i Hawai'i
  • Magazine B - Wilson Wilson
  • Magazine B - MUJI MUJI
  • Magazine B - Havaianas Havaianas
  • Magazine B - Shop Shop
  • Magazine B - Documented Documented
  • Magazine B - Dji Dji
  • Magazine B - ECM ECM
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B Media Company Magazine B in Hawai'i
Regular price $32
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